What is the purpose of maintaining your “target heart rate” during aerobic exercise?

Maintaining your target heart rate during aerobic exercise is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts. This is the heart rate zone that helps you achieve the desired benefits of aerobic activity, including improved cardiovascular health, better endurance, and more efficient fat burning. In this article, I will explain why keeping your heart rate … Read more

How does regular aerobic exercise training affect carbohydrate (cho) usage?

When it comes to understanding how regular aerobic exercise influences carbohydrate (CHO) usage, there are significant changes that occur in how our bodies process and utilize carbohydrates for energy. Aerobic exercises, such as running, cycling, and swimming, are known to boost endurance and improve cardiovascular health. But beyond these benefits, they also play a crucial … Read more

What type of aerobic exercise is most beneficial following knee replacement surgery?

After knee-replacement surgery, the road to recovery can feel long and challenging, but incorporating aerobic exercise into your rehabilitation routine can make a significant difference. Aerobic exercises help improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength, and boost overall endurance. They can also aid in reducing swelling and stiffness in the knee joint. However, it’s essential to … Read more

How many hours will it take for muscle glycogen to become depleted during aerobic exercise?

When engaging in aerobic exercise, the body relies on various energy sources, with muscle glycogen being a primary fuel for activities like running, cycling, or swimming. Glycogen, the stored form of carbohydrates in muscles, is the body’s go-to source of energy for prolonged physical activities. But how long does it take for this glycogen to … Read more

What Does Aerobic Exercise Do to Your Muscles?

Aerobic exercise plays a significant role in improving overall fitness, but its impact on your muscles is often overlooked. It’s known to increase endurance, strengthen muscles, and improve cardiovascular health. In this article, I’ll explain the direct effects of aerobic exercise on muscles, including how it helps tone, build strength, and promote recovery. Aerobic exercise … Read more

Why Baking Soda Is BEST Supplement EVER Costs Under $2

Are you tired of spending a fortune on supplements that don’t work? You might be surprised to learn that one of the best pre-workout boosters is probably already in your kitchen right now. This supplement is even recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine and it costs less than $2 at your local supermarket. … Read more

3 cardio workouts that doesn’t kill calisthenics gains

People say cardio burns muscle, that if you run too much, you’ll lose all your gains. That’s wrong. Unless you’re training like a marathon runner, cardio isn’t going to shrink your muscles overnight. It actually helps. The right kind of cardio boosts endurance, speeds up recovery, and even makes you stronger. The problem is that … Read more

How to Start Calisthenics in 2025 (Best Guide for Beginners & Intermediates)

If you want to get fit and strong in 2025 without ever setting foot in a gym, you need to consider starting calisthenics or bodyweight workouts. You can perform these exercises at home or anywhere you want, and they will help you build a powerful and impressive physique. Now, this is a simple and beginner-friendly … Read more

Truth Behind Lizzo’s Weight loss

After seeing someone cut around 50 lb or 23 kg you’d say they took those popular weight loss pills right? Well, that’s what people used to believe when Melissa Vivien Jefferson, famously known as Lizzo, did this. However, this American rapper and singer shocked the world when she revealed that her weight loss journey was … Read more

BPC 157 & TB 500, Dosage, Length of Usage and Muscle Growing Benefits

In this blog post, i have discussed about peptides and their potential benefits for muscle growth. Specifically, we’ll be focusing on 2 popular peptides known as BPC 157 and TB500. I discussed about their properties, benefits, discuss their dosage, and learn about the recommended length of usage. What is BPC 157? To begin, let’s briefly … Read more